Expert Allies Donation – our way of altering the social environment around us, our way of breaking the stigma and trying to make a difference for the better. We believe that when you have good intentions, you can make a difference in the community. Together with our Experts we are taking small steps Today, so that there is a brighter side to Tomorrow.
To start off, we do that through our professional life in Expert Allies where we implement numerous strategies to create a better workspace for our colleagues. Furthermore, we believe that every effort you make, no matter how small, can make a surprisingly big difference in one’s reality. Because of this, we created our foundation – Expert Allies Donation. Every month EA Donation chooses a cause, which aligns with the beliefs of the people involved, and supports it.
It is your choice whether or not to be an active part of society. We have only one goal – to help those in need at that exact moment. We have become used to the uncertainty of tomorrow and we know that there could come a day when things go South, and we are the ones in need of a helping hand. That is why today we feel obliged to help in every possible manner, as we are all a part of the same society.